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DriverMaster 1.1 Released

I’m pleased to announce the latest release of DriverMaster. Version 1.1 adds 3ds Max 2021 support and cool new features.

Here are release notes and improvements:

  • NEW Install/uninstall dialogs added, which makes DriverMaster installation process more intuitive and organized
  • NEW Inertia control added. This parameter helps to reduce/increase automatic secondary motion (roll and tilt) of the vehicle
  • NEW Mph speedometer added
  • NEW Viewport speedometer added
  • NEW Bake Animation dialog added. This new tool helps to bake vehicle animation to animation keys or PointCache
  • NEW Select Rig button added
  • NEW Delete Rig button added. Deletes all parts of the rig
  • NEW Request Code button added
  • NEW Deactivate License button added
  • NEW Check Updates button added. Online update process will be  added soon
  • Chassis orientation bug fixed
  • Vehicle dimensions limit increased
  • Chassis link bug fixed

You can purchase your DriverMaster here.
In case you already have a license and would like to try the latest version send me an email with your Payment ID.

2 comments on “DriverMaster 1.1 Released”

  • Magomed

    Hello. I would like to buy the Drive master script, but I need a version for 3ds max 2023. Do you plan to add support for it soon?

    • Efim Armand (author)

      DriverMaster is 3ds Max 2023 compatible.
      Best regards,

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